Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Life with Chinese Characteristics, Chapter 15: An Ode to Nanshan Mountain

Running up the road to Nanshan mountain today
I noted my restless mind
flitting from here to there
like Pátacon in her bewitching hour
in the middle of the night
Reaching the 1st of 820 stairs
I felt my heavy breath
and fast-paced heart
to reach the small summit at the top
I paced inside the pagoda
that overlooks the city
I decided quickly to descend
But at once I sensed a force 
pulling me to stay
I turned around
and sat down
in the middle of the stone
Closing my eyes
I steadied my breath
reminding myself to come back to my senses
And then I heard the rhythmic beating of big machines
the endless construction of Shenzhen
I heard the guard just below chuckle at his phone
And I heard a soft wind blow
through the leaves of nearby trees
As it brushed against my skin
And in the presence of 
the symphony of my surroundings
I found a piece of peace