Thursday, February 6, 2014

La familia de sangre y la familia de Los Estados Unidos

My first memory of meeting Analuisa was when my Aunt Abby invited Linds, her friend Kimmy, me, and my friend Erin to come over for some line dancing in her and Uncle Tony's basement. Country music might have been new to Ana, but she still moved better than the rest of us. That dance lesson took place hace veinte años mas or menos. Over the years that Ana lived with Abby and Tony in Marine, she became part of our family. I call her mi prima and it's no less true than when I call Matthias and Tim mis primos. I felt quite fortunate to be the first from back home to meet Ana's familia de sangre here in Ecuador, but now I am not the only one to have gotten to take part in a gathering that allows one to glimpse the tight bonds that connect mother, father, their 10 children, and 15 grandchildren. On February 1st, Ana hosted a lunch so that my parents could meet her family. It was a fantastic afternoon with loads of delicious food...and another dance party.
Ana's sobrinas. Dang cute. 
Ana and her sisters prepared a feast! I pretty much licked my plate.
Hermanos con dos niñas. 
Ana's padres looking more serious than they really are. Sweetest couple. 
I feel tall. Never-mind there is a heal on those shoes. 
Getting the dance party started with some chocolate bribes. I think they would have danced anyway, but kids'll put on a good show for some kit-kats!
Movin' and groovin'. I wanted to join in, but I would have been put to shame by all of them. 
Ana is trying to coax the "cool kids" off of the couch.
Yep, we had a blast with the Borja Minda family. Hopefully the crew can get together again when Linds and Cass come in April, and Abby and Tony and the boys are saving their pennies for a visit as well.

It was back to school for me today after our two week end of quimestre break. Chocolate chip cookies inspired us all a bit. Luckily my oven and I have made peace so the cookies weren't as flat as pancakes this time. Baking at 9.350 feet does pose its challenges.

Gotta go rock the endorphins at spin class now.

Stay warm in the Midwest! 



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