Saturday, July 5, 2014

A short reflection

Some years ago, when my life in Denver was coming to a close, reflecting I wrote, "my tragic flaw is my bleeding heart." Now, years later, I see myself differently. Meditating upon these past 10 months while walking La Carolina today, I surmise that my capacity to feel so deeply, to love, to embrace-- despite the truth that time is fleeting, that nothing gold can stay--is my true super power.

While the Robert Frost poem that I quote has a melancholy tone, I still find hope within the words. It may be that "Nature's first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold," and "Dawn goes down to day," but the winter does give birth to spring, and the sun does dawn again. My gift for finding such good people leaves me momentarily feeling heavy and sad as I have to let go in some capacity to beautiful friends as our adventure seeking selves lead us down departing paths. Though the physical distance increases,
little have I lost, and so much have I gained. Many dear people and experiences have become part of the mosaic of my heart, increasing its beauty, diversity and depth. Past history has taught me that the sorrow and heartache I may experience now gives way to deep gratitude and joy that my life is filled with such meaningful connections.

The restlessness that I have felt the past weeks persists, but in the midst of it rises a sense of peace. This year has wrought so much; certainly challenges that have pushed my limits, but more so opportunities. for growth...friendship...contemplation. Above all, this year culminates with great beauty.

And now, now I am ready for the embraces of my friends and family back home. Ready to wrap my arms around Natalie and Giatta. Ready for the Minnesota summer nights' air.

Nos vemos pronto...


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