Friday, August 16, 2013

I've got no juice left for a good title right now

Remember my man, JC? Juan Carlos at the Ecuadorian Consulate who I doubted? Juan Carlos who I called August 1st to make sure he remembered to begin processing my visa? Yes, that Juan Carlos came through for me. On Wednesday Peter and I rendezvoused at the consulate and happily left with visas in hand.

So I'm feeling a little sheepish right now because I questioned Juan Carlos' ability to do his job; turns out he's got his ducks in a row, but this gringita didn't this week. After picking up my visa, I drove back to A-town and was about to take Gus on a walk. Later in the day I was to meet up with our family friend to sell my car. Right as I was about to head out the door con mi perro, I thought I better just see that the title to my car is where I believe it is. I buzz into my bedroom, open up the manila envelope entitled, "Honda Civic '06," where I thought I responsibly kept all important docs regarding mi coche. Not so. The title to my car was MIA. Much to Gus's disappointment, the afternoon turned into hours of frantic calls to Dad, my old credit union in Aurora, Colorado, and the Colorado Department of Revenue. Now my lucky padres get to take care of the paperwork to get a duplicate license. Meltdown numero uno took place when I finally made it to the Jansen's to pass off the car. Oh, first world problems.

Now I've got less than 48 hours left before I take off for el mitad del mundo. Ocean of emotions rolling around up in here. I'm just trying not to think too much right now. Today included a packing party--after a morning walk with Mom, Linds and Gus, lunch at California Pizza Kitchen with all of the Baci ladies, and manis and pedis--where I mostly threw all of my stuff onto the living room floor and Linds and Cass calmly organized my suitcases, carefully rolling all of my clothes to pack as many pieces as possible into my luggage. We celebrate Ms. Natalie Isabella's 4th birthday tomorrow. It will be great to hang with the fam and hopefully get in a good game of Dominos.

Next blog coming from abroad...

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